Kevin Bhalodia
Frisco High (The Original) Class of 2022
I am a student who is aspiring to not only be in the medical field, but also create success among others inside and outside of school situations. I have always felt as very extroverted, and I am very open to advice while also being independently driven. I will always persevere, be content, and I do have a very bold, presentable personality.
I attribute these qualities to numerous situations and opportunities I have been in previous times and occasions. In addition to a rigorous course schedule throughout high school, I have played baseball since the age of 9, where working with teammates on the field is so critical to limit errors to a minimum. I have always found that teamwork leads to success on the field and in professional situations. For now, I hope to develop to be better than yesterday everyday, and I am very excited for times that lie ahead.
My mission is to overcome various barriers and go above and beyond to reach new heights that will enable me for hopefully years academically and intellectually. I hope to learn essential skills of life while being able to understand and possibly develop a passion for the nuances of the medical field. I will strive to take advantage of all of opportunities that I wish to create with the opportunity here that I am grateful to have. Lastly, I understand that there will be challenges in my journeys that I will embark, and whether short-term or long-term, I must develop a mindset to embrace said challenges with motivation and pride.